Of all the things in the world that I can do, I would rather
spend time with my friends and family!  I can’t think of a
better thing to do than to go for a ride out in the mountains to
the places where my ancestors came from!  Having great friends
along seems to make it even more wonderful.  I recently took
my Grandpa back to where he was born and raised and found a wealth
of knowledge about my ancestors and their neighbors!  What
wonderful stories he told!  My friends and I spend so much
time in the mountains, it seems to calm us and take us back to a
time when people and life seemed much simpler, but wonderful! 
We see so many things such as bear, deer, turkey, cougars, snakes,
beavers, wonderful old house places and beautiful old cemeteries
that help us to connect to our past.  I suppose that is one of
the reasons we choose the type of songs we sing, anything about the
old days, old homeplaces and old friends is right up our
alley!  I just had to get my fill of these beautiful mountains
before I set off on my annual trip to jolly old England! 
Mountains, I’ll be coming back home to you, Lord willing, and we
will walk through yesteryear again, together!

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